Thursday, April 26, 2018

Migration • National Poetry Month

It's Poem in Your Pocket Day! Print multiple copies of this poem and keep one copy in your pocket, then scatter the rest.

Leave them on your desk, or on the train. Put them in the lunch room. Hand them to strangers or friends. Share them liberally.


The police squint 

into the glare on the water looking 
for small boats. On a clear day 
the lightkeeper sees all the way 

to Algeria. Over his sofa 
hangs a tapestry woven 
by his grandmother from red 

human hair. Only the birds 
travel without papers. 
Though often now 

their tiny legs 
when they perch 
on the lighthouse railings 

are colour banded.

by Eleonore Schönmaier
The League of Canadian Poets

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