Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is There Ever a Jar Big Enough?

Book Riot blogger Rachel came up with a great way to plow through her To Be Read book stack: the Jar.

In this jar are the titles of all of the books you wish to read.

When the time comes to start a new book, you reach into the jar and voilá! Your choice is made for you.

I like to think I can meet my book choosing needs, but I suspect that's not the case. I have an autographed copy of The Poisoner's Handbook that I've been meaning to read, and now PBS American Experience is featuring the book.

I also have the same plan for Wild and The End of Your Life Book Club, whose authors I met last year and whose books I am ready to read.

And yet none of those books are on my nightstand yet this month.

Will a jar help me get to all of the books I want to read, or am I just kidding myself? Would a jar help you? Will a jar help anyone with a serious book addiction?

Do I need to stop asking questions and start reading? I think we have a winner....


Colleen Rich said...

This is a really good idea. I like it. I was starting to worry about my friends on GoodReads being annoyed by my constant "want to read" clicks.

Chris said...

I'm sure you inspire them to add to their lists, too. I'm kind of afraid to read my list: I'm sure it's enormous!