Sunday, December 27, 2009

DC Poetry Slam Winning Poem

From The Washington Post's Answer Sheet: the winning poem of this year's DC SCORES Poetry Slam! contest.  Congrats to the 9-year-old fourth grader Jasia Smith, and enjoy her poem.

Let’s All Save The World Together

Do you like nature?
Do you like playing outside?
Do you like hiking or watching the beach tides?

So Let’s Save the World Together!

It’s getting warmer nowadays
So don’t let the hot weather carry you away.
Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and don’t litter.
So tell this to relatives, friends and baby sitters!

So let’s save the world Together!

Go green, plant gardens, plant bushes or even a rose
And bring back that fresh natural smell to your nose.
Save electricity and cut off the lights and bring back those peaceful and cooler nights.
Don’t waste the water we need to drink
So please don’t let those precious drops go down the sink!

So Let’s Save the World Together!

by Jasia Smith
Burrville Elementary School, Washington, DC

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